Week 3 Reading Notes: The Gospel of Mark (Part B)
- heals another blind man
- beggar outside of Jericho
- became instant follower of Jesus
(Painting of Jesus Healing Blind Man by El Greco)
- Pharisees try to outsmart/trick Jesus
- ask what most important commandment is
- Jesus replies with love God, love others
- Jesus talks about Rapture
- the Father is the only one to know exactly when
- be a follower now because you never know if you have tomorrow
- bread=body, wine=blood
- supper before crucifixion
- predicts Peter will deny him 3x
- Pilate tries to convince that Jesus hasn't done anything wrong
- public insists on crucifixion
- mocked on cross (King of Jews)
- centurion is first person to correctly identify Him as Messiah
- Jesus wants to disciples to preach to the whole world
Bibliography. The Gospel of Mark from King James Bible.
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