Week 4 Reading Notes: Infancy Gospels, Part A

 The Nativity

  • Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem to have the baby sent from heaven
  • baby was born in a manger
  • wise men, shepherds, and kings come gather around baby Jesus
  • angel announces the baby is the Savior

  • another version of the Nativity
  • angel came down to Mary and said she would have a baby and to name him Jesus
  • Jesus was born in Bethlehem and people came from far and wide to see him
  • King Herod was scared so he sent wise men to search for this baby
  • they followed a star east and it lead them to Jesus
  • they instead worshipped Jesus and warned Mary and Joseph, telling them to flee to Egypt
  • When Herod died, Mary and Joseph and Jesus returned to Jerusalem
  • James' story of Mary and Joseph
  • Joseph found Mary pregnant (6 months) but she claimed to be a virgin
  • Joseph was confused and scared but an angel told him to help her, so he did
  • they privately got married and he took ownership for the child
  • Jesus spoke to Mary in cradle that He is Son of God
  • before, Jospeh took Mary to Bethlehem because of taxes
  • stopped when Mary was in labor, went to a cave
  • midwife came to take care of Mary and Jesus
  • Midwife held Jesus and became whole
  • she went and proclaimed it, others came to see
Bibliography: Infancy Gospels from King James Bible. Web link.


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