Storybook Plan Checklist: Scandal Damsel


The style of this storybook is obvious from its title. I am going to retell the classic Disney princess stories from the perspective of Scandal Damsel (aka Gossip Girl). So, I will write it like a blog post from the point of view of someone who likes all the juicy scandals that go on in the princess' lives. By Scandal Damsel being the narrator, I will be able to connect all of the different stories, as well.


I found two really good books to get my stories from. The first one is called The Old Fairy Tales by James Mason. I will use the stories "Snow-White and Rose-Red," "The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood," and "Cinderella" from this book. The second book I will be using is called Once Upon a Time by Katherine Lee Bates. From this book, I will be using "Rapunzel" and "Beauty and the Beast."

Bibliography: The Old Fairy Tales by James Mason. Web Link.

Once Upon a Time by Katherine Lee Bates. Web link.


The point of my storybook is to retell the old classic princess stories every child grew up to love in a way that satisfies older tastes, like Gossip Girl. I hope that this storybook will be a fun and easy read that will also keep mythology and folklore alive.


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