Week 5 Reading Notes: Folklore of the Holy Land, Part B

 Lot and the Tree of the Cross:

  • Seth planted tree for Abraham at head of his grave
  • Survived flood but forgotten by mankind
  • Lot was sent by Allah to take jar of water from Jordan to water tree
  • Lot got jar of water but stopped on side of road for pilgrim
  • Lot gave him water, but it turned out to be Satan
  • Happened two more times, so Lot gave up and died
  • Angels had watered tree for Lot and forgave his sins
  • The tree flourished
  • David became king of Jews
  • Really wanted to know what people thought, so he disguised and went into town to hear what they would say
  • Angels were sent to tell David he needed to work with his hands
  • David prayed to Allah then began to make armory, a third of his profits went to alms, one third to family, and last third to Temple
  • Created Dome of Rock
    (Photo of Dome of Rock)
  • Solomon was also a king
  • Kid said he was better than the king and Solomon replied
  • Kid said he only said it to impress a girl
  • King Solomon grew a botanical garden
  • Young plant was there to destroy garden
  • Solomon prayed to die with the garden
  • discovered Fountain of Youth
  • Khudr drinks its water so it never dies
  • Worshipped by all three religions
Bibliography: Folk-lore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian and Jewish by J. E. Hanauer (1907). Web link.


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